Why Refresh the ASV?

For decades, scholars have referred to the American Standard Version as the “rock of Biblical honesty,” and have held convictions that “interest in it should be renewed and increased, with the chief inducement being its recognized value which deserves and demands perpetuation.”

Refresh Philosophy

Like our ASV predecessors, the Refreshed ASV is resolutely committed to the Formal Equivalence translation philosophy, and has endeavored to handle the English text with both deference and reserve, intending the ASV ought merely to be refreshed, rather than revised, or replaced. 

Refresh Emendations

The limited scope of the Refreshing of the ASV 1901 English text include archaic personal pronouns (i.e. thee, thou, thine, thy, thyself, ye), archaic verb terminations (i.e. -est, -st, -th), archaic vocabulary, spelling, and grammar resulting from semantic shift from 17th century Elizabethan English.

The Refreshed ASV is available in a variety of formats including PDF, eBook, and Print editions, and in a variety of text sizes including Standard, Large Print, and variable display options.


